We are seeking persons of all backgrounds, skill sets and levels to assist us in restoring our natural areas. Our intentions are to promote from within to the extent possible and to retain good workers. Flexibility is available, as it might be possible that our best incoming workers may not always have the time available for full commitment, (IE. college classes, a different part-time gig, child care, etc.).

We like to think of our growing company as a small company (at present) that does big things, and the amount of acreage covered over the past fourteen years is evidence of that statement.

Our efforts are geared to provide the highest quality of services as we believe our natural areas deserve no less.

These characteristics have produced a tremendous demand for our work and have also created opportunities for many more individuals to work with us in conserving and restoring the ecological components needed for a healthy ecosystem.

Our primary need at the present time for additional persons is for “hands on” outdoor staff. All management personnel at present have been performing these activities personally for many years, and therefore have reasonable expectations relative to performance as well as an understanding of the rigors of work outdoors. Individuals with additional skill sets may allow for other additional activity, (IE. recruiting, mechanical, client communication, writing forest management plans, biological surveys, video editing, website management, HR, data entry, etc.). Some of these examples could be performed remotely.

Training is provided to facilitate the acquisition of a commercial herbicide applicator/operators license which is required. Every practicable effort is utilized to prevent/minimize the potential for exposure to herbicides. Most field time will involve the use of saw mounted application equipment (see video) that virtually eliminates exposure potential to the operator.

Accurate identification of invasive species is critical and training will be provided in this area as well. No previous knowledge is required, but a dedicated effort to learn the plants is a requirement for retention. In time, many native plant species will also become known to you.

As invasive plants try to grow everywhere they can, we must also go there to treat them, often in difficult terrain. The clearing saws used are suspended from a harness worn by the operator, with the combined weight of all personal protective equipment, the harness, and the saw full of fuel and herbicide equaling about 34 pounds. The harnesses are fairly effective in masking the overall weight. Breaks are provided after each tank is completed, usually in about every one and a half hours for experienced sawyers. In most circumstances the crew will take breaks at the same time to facilitate site related communication. New staff is not expected to be able to attain this level of production.

As our contract work is performed on natural areas over a region, it is not necessary for staff to report to the office/shop on a daily basis. Methodology is in place to accommodate transportation concerns.

One of the greatest benefits is being able to spend your working time in the “real world” and being able to see what you have accomplished at the end of the day. You will have the opportunity to experience Nature from a perspective few will ever encounter, in areas where mankind has rarely tread.

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